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The challenge

The digital group of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) had multiple sources of truth for Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM). Stakeholders were using their own Excel, MS project and PowerPoint templates and therefore there was no standardized way of working. Consequently there was no real time visibility, data duplication, data quality issues and a loss of efficiency. For this reason DWP wanted to achieve a single source of truth where there is trust in the information. This should support senior management to identify problems before they become issues.

The solution

Plat4mation provided a workshop approach focusing on people, process and technical support. Together, we standardized multiple templates into one general agreed standard. This was replicated in the tool and therefore risks, milestones, status reports, resource and cost plan are registered in a unified structure. With user friendly dashboards and service portals we visualize all the information to stakeholders. Each stakeholder can use interactive filters to focus on the information that is relevant to them. This leads to more overall trust in the information, real time visibility and overall sense of control and enables senior management to see problems coming before they are high priority incidents.


“Thoroughly impressed on the whole set of outcomes. We now have another set of important enablers to rise our SPM to a whole new level.”

Contact person

Jochen Vos Jochen Vos
Competence Lead SPM
+31 (0)30 76 02 670 Send mail

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