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You’re all set to join our workshop: A blueprint for mastering the cyber future on Thursday May 9th from 12 to 2 PM PDT.


Clinic intake form

In order to tailor the success clinic to suit our customers’ needs, we are collecting high-level information regarding your interest around the ServiceNow-Tanium integration and what you hope to gain from the success clinic. Deadline to complete the Intake form is Friday May 3rd.

Complete the form here.



The Venetian Hospitality Suite

How to get to the Hospitality Suite

The Hospitality Suite is located on the 3rd floor of the Palazzo Tower. To get there, please follow the signs for the Palazzo Guest Room Elevators which are located next to the Starbuck on the 1st floor adjacent to the Palazzo Casino.

FYI: All elevator banks stop at the 3rd floor. There is a security guard at the elevator banks monitoring access to the hotel tower, but all guests staying at the resort can just show their key to access the elevator bank.


Contact person

Please contact Emma Thomas at +1 (540) 448-1163 or regarding questions about location, time and other practical concerns.