Enjoy enhanced ServiceNow platform ROI, upgradeability, performance and streamlined DevOps practices with our flexible Managed Services. Easily adapt your services to match business needs at any time.
weeks to upgrade vs. 3 months
mins to load a page vs 1.5 mins
hours saved every 3 months
We aim to unlock the full potential of the platform and maximize value across the entire enterprise. We deliver quick and sustainable solutions focusing on short time to market with best quality, optimized costs and measurable benefits.
In-depth knowledge of all ServiceNow modules. Experienced in platform optimization in complex, multi-vendor and highly integrated environments.
Our DevOps community has access to an extensive reusable asset library (code, widgets, best practices), significantly driving down efforts and costs—speeding up delivery and improving quality.
Architectural guidance and instance QA reviews are included, guaranteeing optimal platform performance.
An effective (value-oriented) governance structure ensures we meet customer demands to maximize the value from ServiceNow—reflected in a steady overall 9+ satisfaction score.
Optimized on-site and offshore delivery to maximize quality and speed while minimizing costs.
We understand the dynamic demands of our customer’s businesses, which is why our model provides a quick and easy scale-up and -down of additional resources.
Our value- and experience-driven Success Services Framework ensures we achieve effective governance, start with a clear vision, leverage useful features, keep your instance healthy and users happy, and deliver measurable benefits.
Can Plat4mation support me in all the different ServiceNow modules and services I need to maximize platform ROI?
Yes. We have experts inhouse on all ServiceNow modules and capabilities—ranging from reporting to CSM, ITSM, ITOM, etc. We can also support you with strategic advice, app development, technical know-how and architectural guidance. We believe this complete package is necessary to cater for the strategic platform ServiceNow is meant to be.
Is Plat4mation flexible when it comes to my platform needs?
Yes, we are. Our Managed Services model is based on flexibility. We use a story point model. It’s a bit like a wallet. Together, we define what goes into that wallet. Let’s say we agree on 60 hours. We reserve 20 hours for maintenance, 20 hours for app development and 20 hours for consultancy. But what if you don’t use up the app development hours? No worries, you can switch those to whatever other service you need from us at any time.
Can Plat4mation help me build a business case for Managed Services?
Most certainly! We always offset the costs to the benefits, which will give your organization a clear understanding of the added value of our Managed Services.
Schedule a call with one of our ServiceNow Managed Services experts. They’ll be happy to tell you more!