Last month, ServiceNow launched even more features in the Workplace Service Delivery Suite (WSD). As the original creators of digital workplace services, this solution is near to our hearts. That’s why we would like to keep you posted on new features, as ServiceNow is releasing new features each month.
WSD enables organizations to offer a seamless digital workplace experience. While COVID-19 has caused an enormous shift to remote work, there are still those employees that can’t or prefer not to work from home, as only around 37% of jobs have the potential to be done from home. To ensure proper physical distancing, you need to know when and how many employees or visitors are in your office(s). Moreover, when things do get back to normal, many enterprises want to take this opportunity to roll out an improved employee experience. Workplace Service Delivery can help you with all that. With its core functionalities of space and case management, organizations can now facilitate employees safely attending the office with a reservation management portal to book desks, rooms, cars, parking spaces, and more. A case management portal provides those employees who come into the office a new consumer-like experience to request any type of workplace service through a portal or mobile device.
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Two new notable features in the last release include Visitor Management and Knowledge Articles. The latter, which allows facility services teams to publish guidelines, information and “how to” articles in the workplace services portal, has come in especially handy for companies who wished to publish guidelines and instructions on booking socially-distanced desks in the office during designated time shifts.
Let’s take a closer look at what each module entails below.
Employees can easily manage visitors to your offices through a seamless, digital visitor registration process. It’s another antiquated work process, made easy! Organizations need to know who’s visiting your office, who the host is, how long they will visit and any other details that are important to ensure security, save the host time in coordinating the visit, and to leave your visitors with a lasting impression.
How it works Via mobile or a desktop portal, your employees can easily invite visitors and coworkers from other locations to their office. They register new guests and request additional services like parking. All registrations are saved, speeding up the registration process for recurring visitors. The reception desk and security staff are both aware who’s visiting and can check the visitor in. The host automatically receives a notification that his guest has arrived. Visitor Management is all about easy and secure visitor registration, so you know who’s on site. Hosts and their visitors can manage the entire event through one, digital interface.
Offer your employees a single (self-service) knowledge base to request any type of workplace service (e.g. “I need a new chair…”), resolve issues themselves or to find workplace policies, FAQs, procedures and process descriptions. By capturing and sharing this knowledge and information related to policies and processes, both employees and facilities teams have a one-stop shop to connect for workplace services. HR staff can easily document, store, share and manage knowledge articles, as well as save time, as the most relevant articles are displayed first, eliminating lengthy searches for relevant information.
New to the Reservation Management module is filtering reservable units by floor and standard services, and alphabetical sorting. This helps employees to quickly find the item they’re looking for. More filter options will be added soon!
The Workplace Service Delivery Suite continues to grow with features that save time and create a great experience for both employees and workplace services teams. Check back soon for the next wave of new functionality!
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Eliminate room booking pains with Workplace Service Delivery